General FAQ

What API’s does Shipwire provide?

Today, we offer 4 API’s: Order Notification, Inventory Sync, Tracking and Real-time Shipping rates.

Where is the documentation?

Each API has it’s own page with FAQ’s and documentation for developers.

Which API do I start with?

Generally, if you want to send orders to Shipwire, start with the Order Notification API. That is the most common API. The Other API’s really build usage of the integrations. Users really appreciate getting shipping rates into the shopping cart checkout, being able to get updated parcel tracking numbers and of course having warehouse inventory counts integrated with the shopping cart.

Can I get a developer sandbox to test my integration?

Yes. step one of our Developer startup page has a link to our beta servers to set up a test account.

How do I make money working with Shipwire?

There are a few models to earn a living with Shipwire.
  • We offer a partnership program for web developers and e-commerce application owners. Shipping fulfillment partner affiliate program. So integrate and build a platform of revenue.
  • Build a module and sell the module. Perhaps offer a support plan.
  • Build a module, offer it for free and then charge for your integration expertise.
  • Build a business on Shipwire

How do I contact the shipwire partner team?

The contact us page as a drop down for “partners”. Use that and it will route to our partner team.

What developer support does Shipwire offer?

We are big fans of developers. We know the importance of a healthy developer community.
  • Each API page has its own FAQ and test resources.
  • If you have partnership related questions you can send them to partner (at) shipwire (dot) com.
  • If you have a specific support request related to an integration or an test order please send it to support+dev (at) shipwire (dot) com.
We will make best efforts to respond to your requests quickly.

How do I earn commissions?

Use the Affiliate_ID field in the order api call. Getting an Affiliate ID is free and takes about 2 minutes here. Affiliate common questions. The <AffiliateId> field is an optional field. If you are an end merchant coding to our API’s you can probably just ignore this. If you are a Shipwire partner building an application connection to Shipwire AND you have signed up as a Shipwire partner then we urge you to pass along your partner ID. This will help us track orders to your integration. This is the 4 numbers at the end of your Partner URL. Example of a partner ID is 1234 when the URL ends with “o.php?id=1234”. It is optional to put the 1234 in the referrer field; but, it is helpful for tracking lead origin especially for modules that are installed scripts (example is open source modules).

What kind of support should a developer offer merchants?

Some is better than none. What that means is paid, un-paid, forum based, e-mail based or over Skype. Whatever you offer, offer something and set up the customers expectation and deliver on it. “I offer support at forum X; but, I check it once a week” is honest and builds integrity if that is the level of support you intend to offer. Offering support will get you certified and earn the trust of Shipwire and merchants. Unsupported integrations typically don’t get to much traction. More bluntly: If you don’t support your module, don’t expect Shipwire to list it as a compatible solution or recommend it’s usage.

What kind of marketing support can I expect from Shipwire?

Generally, we want to do everything in our power to help our merchants get on platform as easy as possible. If you have built a great integration and customers like your work, you can expect us to do the following:
  • Listing on our compatible applications page
  • A page in our help center to describe your module, where to find it and information about you and the level of support that you offer.
  • Great modules will get “Sell Tools”. This means that your module will be visible inside the Shipwire application and merchants can add your module to their account.
  • Revenue share for referred merchants pursuant to our shipping affiliate partner program.
  • A blog post on the Shipwire blog
  • In some cases a notification sent to our customer base.
  • Potentially tweets about it Shipwire on Twitter
  • Potentially a press release with Shipwire.
  • If your module works great and customers are interested in the module our sales team will refer business to your module.
  • Participation in Shipwire press and marketing as it becomes available.
We want to work with great developers. We want to be the easiest company to partner and work with. If you have thoughts on ways we can support you please send them to partner (at) shipwire (dot) com.