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Terms of Service

This page falls under our Terms of Service update. The update is effective as of February 11, 2022. On this page Accounts, Shipwire services, and Policies Account Balances and Fees Developers and API License Intellectual Property Confidential Information and Employees Indemnity Disclaimers Limitation of Liability Termination and Closing Your Account Disputes Governing Law and Venue…

Leaving Shipwire

Shipwire is an on-demand provider of fulfillment contracts. This means that you can leave Shipwire at any time unless stated otherwise in a separate Master Services Agreement. Always contact the Customer Care Team at customercare@ingrammicroservices.com to ensure proper account closure. To begin your exit with Shipwire, please cancel any pending orders or duplicate orders in…

Managing returns

Shipwire makes it easy to handle and manage your customers’ returns by providing several tools and services to ease the transaction. With flexible options to match your return policy, our warehouses can receive, process, and restock the items into your inventory.   Handling fees on returns Returns being received by a Shipwire warehouse go through…

Billing, payments, and deposits

Shipwire billing and pricing is set up to be easy to use and transparent. Learn about how Shipwire pricing works, and details about billing and deposits.

About Inventory Manager

The Shipwire Inventory Manager displays inventory counts and status in tabular format. Clicking on any of the column fields will sort your table by that field (e.g. clicking on Warehouse column will sort your inventory by warehouse). You can add additional fields to your Inventory view by clicking the gear icon at the top right…

Multi-user account access

You can configure your Shipwire account to allow for one, or more users, to access it. Shipwire has the notion of four Account roles (or types): Administrator, Full Access User, API, and Customer Service. Administrator Role The account holder is essentially an Administrator, which allows this person to control who else has access to the…

Creating kits

[sw-tabs] [sw-tab id=V3 label=V3 label_class=active class=active] What is a kit? A kit is two or more unique SKUs and is considered its own individual product that should have its own unique SKU name. How is a kit different from Master Cases and Inner Packs? Master Cases and Inner Packs only include one type of individual…

Inventory alerts

Shipwire inventory alerts automatically notify you when inventory levels fall below thresholds you set. Alerts can be triggered based on a minimum quantity in stock, or when your position falls below an estimated number of days on hand. Use inventory alerts to give you advance notice on when you should resupply your stock, and/or to…

What is Shipwire Anywhere?

Shipwire is a powerful cloud-based platform that enables customers to manage eCommerce orders and inventory. Shipwire Anywhere is a solution within the Shipwire Platform that enables fulfillment from virtually any location.   Three models of Shipwire Anywhere   Powerful Global Software for fulfillment from any location where your product ships from. Locations can range from…

Merchant protection center

Shipwire provides you tools to feel secure, help you simplify your operations, and give you high visibility.

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