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Platform updates: September 2017

Here you will find all updates, features, and bug fixes to the Shipwire Platform for September, 2017

What’s New

  • New Receiving Webhooks Topic: Updates to our Receiving Webhooks enable users to subscribe to notifications on partial shipments against a receiving order. This lets brands that normally send multiple inbound shipments against a receiving order to keep track of each shipment in real time. Please visit our developer center for a full list of Receiving webhooks topics.
  • Reminder – US export orders held without signed export TOS: Earlier this year we added an export compliance addendum to our general Terms Of Service and notified all customers that made US export orders. As of Q2 2017, you must have a physical presence in the United States to qualify as an accepted exporter of record and Principal Party of Interest, otherwise your TOS will not be accepted. As a reminder, those who have not yet electronically signed our export TOS addendum must do so in order to release held orders.

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